Wednesday 30 September 2015

Planning The Edit Workshop

Production Logo

I have been instructed to make a short movie showing; Match on action, the 180 degree rule, Shot reverse shot and editing techniques 

Shooting Script


Camera Techniques

I chose some of these shot types to actually show what is happening, like long shots and an establishing  shot. The first shot is establishing shot. Most productions use an establishing shot because it makes the whole project look more professional and really is the best way to show where the scene is or who is in the shot. In this case, it will be a shot of the police station just to identify that it is actually in a police station. The close ups in this production show are really to show the intensity of the whole scene and the emotion of both characters. The particular close up that stood out is the P.O.V because it showed how intense the scene was from Asad's perspective. The two shot's were some of my favourite shots because they show if the scene is relaxed or intense. In this case, the scene was tense because they invaded each other's personal space but not in an intimate way but an intimidating way. In general, the camera enhances the intensity of the scene and is used well to establish the situation.


I chose an office room to act as the police interview room because it is small, compact and had a computer connoting professionalism. I planned to have the room low key, in terms of lighting, to create a sense of mystery and danger, but due to complications the room was high key and lost some kind of atmosphere that the low key lighting would've denoted. The costumes would have had a bigger effect if they were more relevant but Asad's costume denotes a criminal because he is wearing a dark hoodie. The establishing shot in the start denotes that it is a police interview because its of a police station. 


The music I have chosen is Run Boy Run by Woodkid because of its slow to fast dynamics in the tempo, especially in the start of the song. Also, it is quite dark in the start of the song but gets lighter at the chorus. The song could recreate the intense atmosphere I wanted to capture with the mis-en scene by only using the dark parts to the song.



The end credits are simple and contemporary. They denote white text on a black background as the text rolls up the screen. This connotes the intensity of the whole scene and that it is not a comedy and is in fact an action/drama.

Friday 18 September 2015

Editing Technique: Short films





Teen Romance



The best shots from my work were probably the gangster and the teen romance shots. The gangster shot was good because of the settings and costume choices. It has a real urban and gritty effect from the low angle because of the power it emphasises and denotes. The lighting for this shot could have been darker to give it the sense of danger. Although, the era isn't clear as there isn't much as to where the scene is taking place and the props and costume can only say so much because it could be between the early 90's to present day. The teen romance is effective in a completely different way. It has a close up/two shot of the two lovers showing obvious emotion towards each other also the body language shows them touching each other and invading each others personal space, which either shows love or it gives a sense of danger or violence. Again, the era isn't clear though because of the setting and costumes.

The worst shot is probably the Action shot just simply because it doesn't show much of an action could be improved with more of an obvious movement like a jump down from the steps or a fight between two people. Also, the setting isn't great because action movies don't typically happen inside a school. It would have been better to do it down an alley way or a rooftop.

Saturday 5 September 2015

My Media Summer

Dr Dre's Compton Album
My summer consisted of 3 major events, Rap/Hip hop music, a new home and Twitter. I will start with the music. 3 new albums dropped and I went crazy, Meek Mill, Drake and Dr. Dre have produced music all for a reasonably long time but something was missing. All of them were mediocre except for Dr. Dre's album which really wasn’t great for my entertainment appetite. Also, on the music side of media, Apple released their own streaming service called, Apple Music, which i found really useful because you don't have to constantly update it like spotify or soundcloud, it also doesn't need any installs or app purchases because it is apart of the music section on iPhone's, iPad's and other apple products. The only downside was the price of the streaming service which is £10 a month. This is quite high considering I can download soundcloud for free and never pay.

Twitter, however, never seems to fail me. I can sit on twitter for hours. If I had to chose between water, air or twitter, I would chose twitter. But, a lot of people have started to veer away from social media just simply because that it doesn’t satisfy them anymore.

The last major event actually happened at the start of the holidays because I moved homes as soon as august started and for the first time in my life I had my own room. It was a 2 week job actually cleaning my old place and unpacking the new one but the main focus of the moving is my media set up, I have stereo, HDTV and an Xbox One which I bought a new game for ; Batman Arkham Knight. The game's plot follows the end of the Arkham trilogy and the eventual end of the batman. It was a good game overall but it seemed like I finished it too early and it was too easy to unlock certain features, I also played a lot of FIFA and NBA 2K in my spare time. These two games are seen as the highest rated games in the sports genre, but, they weren't made properly because they had to be released on a new console in a very short time. Because they weren't made properly they had to constantly give updates and patches which ended up with more glitches or ruined game-play. For example, NBA could not be saved offline and the players often just left the ball when dribbling and started clapping. 

Straight Outta Compton Poster
Some other things that I did is watch 'Straight Outta Compton' which was a very good movie. It shows the rise and fall of rap group, N.W.A and the racism and abuse happening against African-Americans in America from the late 80's to present day. Overall, my media summer was good but could of had more excitement in terms of TV and music.