Sunday 11 October 2015

Edit Workshop Evaluation

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The 180 degree rule, rule of thirds & match on action

180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule was used throughout the conversation in my work but it was broken near the end when filming the P.O.V shot. Apart from this mistake, the work was all filmed on one side of the room.

Rule Of Thirds

The rule of thirds was used as much as possible but had to be broken to fit the whole scene in sometimes. For example, when filming the second two shot, we couldn't fit both actor's in without both of them breaking the rule of thirds.

Match on Action

The match on action worked smoothly when the files hit the desk, but, we encountered a lot of problems when filming this particular shot because we couldn't fit a lot in due to the space

Challenges Faced

There were shots that really took a hit on the editing side of the work because certain shots were not taken properly or they were cut off too early. If they were longer clips, I could have played around with them a bit more and made it look much more professional. The location of filming wasn't ideal either because the room was smaller than I expected so if we went to a head office it would have been easier to film in as well as it being easier to edit. If I was to edit this again, I would have filmed more footage or got a bigger room to play around with. I would have got a better wildcat soundtrack as well because the one i had was just plain traffic, if I had got a wildcat soundtrack of a hall way in school or a classroom/staff room.

Overall Strengths And Weaknesses

The overall strengths of my work was, the story line and editing. You can easily follow the storyline through the editing, dialogue and props. The cuts and fading in the work is done well and looks professional. The weaknesses are the location choice and lighting. If the room was darker it would've added a certain element of danger and anticipation of violence.  The choice of location wasn't thought out properly and in the end it was too late to change it to a bigger room. Although the editing in general was good, more could have been done on the sound side of it. Like I said earlier there was no wildcat sound track.


The improvements I would make would be, proper actors, e.g. drama students, better location choice so we can control lighting and have more space and finally have more footage to make the scene slightly longer. I thought we could have added more even if it was supposed to be a short film/clip because when I was editing the work it felt shorter than it should have been.

Shooting Script - Me Vid